What about the patient? An interview in HSJ

8 November 2019


Our Director, Alyson McGregor, was interviewed by patient champion and charity leader, Jeremy Taylor this month. The piece, published in the Health Service Journal, is part of Jeremy's series talking to people who work with patients, families and carers.

Quite simply, I believe this work can save primary care and save the NHS!

Alyson talks passionately about Altogether Better's model of Collaborative Practice and the tangible results it's already seeing in the over 150 practices and 25 clinical commissioning group areas we've worked in.

'We know that as many as 50 per cent of patients who go to the GP have non-medical problems. So a lot of what the practice champions do involves connecting people to other people and to sources of non-medical support. For example, 92-year-old Florence was coming to one of our practices three times a week. Dave, one of the practice champions, took her along to a local singing group. She has met three other ladies there, has a range of new social activities and connections and is no longer a frequent attender. That’s around 150 appointments saved over a year.'

Alyson discusses what we've learnt about the importance of language, relationships and bringing people together to work as 'partners and peers'.

She also touches on her hopes for the future of an NHS with more Collaborative Practice at its heart. Altogether Better are keen to spread the approach, with a role to play in helping to fulfil the ambitions of the long-term plan and the new responsibilities of sustainability and transformation partnerships, integrated care systems and primary care networks.

Caitlin Milne